How do I request items through LibSearch?
Please place all requests through LibSearch, the Library's discovery tool and catalog. You will need to sign in with your St. Kate's username and password to request items. For help placing requests, read the Requesting Items section of our LibSearch @ St. Kate's guide for more details.
Requesting St. Kate's Owned Physical Items
- Find the item you wish to request from St. Kate's library. Select "Request physical St. Kate's item" and then click "Send Request."
Requesting MnPALS Partner Physical Items
- If St. Kate's doesn't own an item to request, select "Request digital scan, or physical item from partner library" and then click "Send Request."
Requesting a Digital Copy of a Article or Book Chapter
- To request a digital scan of an article or book chapter, regardless of who owns it, select "Request digital scan, or physical item from partner library" and verify that the "Citation type" radio button is "Article/Book Chapter." Fill out the additional citation information if necessary, acknowledge the copyright statement, and then click "Send Request."
- Please note that we cannot digitize entire books or journals, and we cannot obtain ebooks from other libraries.
Requesting an Item Not Owned by any MnPALS Partner Library
- If you don't find a citation record in LibSearch for an item, use the blank ILL request form (located in the purple ribbon at the top of the page). Select the button for either a physical item (book/DVD) or a digital PDF (article/book chapter). Complete the required fields marked by a red asterisk, acknowledge the copyright statement, and click "Send Request."
Please contact with any questions.