Where do I find the full-text of an article?


LibSearch, our Library's discovery/catalog tool, and many other library databases provide the full text of articles online


  1. When reviewing your search results in LibSearch, look for a PDF, Read Online or Online access link to see if the library has access to the full-text of an article. (You should sign in with your St. Kate’s username and password to see all of the options, if you haven't already.)
  2. In the Access portion of the record, there will be links to one or more databases if the Library subscribes to the journal or has open access to the article. 
  3. Click on any available link to be redirected to the full text of the article.
  4. If the Library doesn't have access to article, you will see the "Request via interlibrary loan" link (you must be signed in to see this link).

Library Databases:

  1. If you're searching in a library database, some articles may be available in full text (look for a PDF or HTML link underneath the citation).
  2. For access to articles that aren't full-text in the database, click the purple “Find it” button. This will redirect you to LibSearch where you can follow the process outlined above.
  3. If the St. Kate's Library does not have access to the article, you can request it using our interlibrary loan services.


  • Last Updated May 15, 2024
  • Views 60
  • Answered By Preeti Gupton

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